The Mermen - Related Topics

Herein lies the stuff which doesn't seem to fit anywhere else, but is relevent to the Mermen. Or, at least, its members.

The FezGuys
Column co-written by those fezguys, Allen Whitman and Jon Luini about audio on the Internet (also published in EQ Magazine monthly).

24hrs In Cyberspace
Something Allen's mom didn't want to waste valuable disk space on. A coffee table book for all kinds of coffee.

Search Addicted To Noise for the Mermen
Addicted To Noise digs the Mermen and, sometimes, even writes about them! Search in Music News Of The World or elsewhere in ATN.

Burning Man
The Burning Man is dead.
Long live the Burning Man!

MediaCast Netcasts
MediaCast digs the Mermen, too. Go over there and join them.
Sat, May 25: Live @ KFJC
Sat, Oct 21: Live @ Great American Music Hall
Fri, Jan 12: Live @ The Transmission Theater
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